Software Tools

Members of the group are familiar with a range of software tools that are essential for our research. This list is not exhaustive!


We are active EBSD users and developers and have access to the software packages from all three manufacturers:

Bruker eSprit EBSD analysis packages - our major commercial software tool, as we have 2x Bruker eFlashHR EBSD systems attached to our FEG instruments

HKL / Oxford Instruments EBSD analysis packages - used principally to support data obtained from our JEOL 6400 SEM

TSL OIM EBSD analysis packages

We also have a license for CrossCourt v3 used for High Resolution EBSD.

We actively develop and maintain a significant range of in-house EBSD tools including our own HR-EBSD analysis code/library (XEBSD), simple pattern simulation, enhanced pattern analysis, and orientation determination codes. For more information please contact Dr Ben Britton.

Computation Plasticity

ABAQUS finite element packages (often in collaboration with Professor Fionn Dunne and colleagues)

Fast fourier transform (spectral) solvers for crystal plasticity (in collaboration with Dr Ricardo Lebensohn of Los Alamos National Lab)

2D Discrete dislocation dynamics (in collaboration with Dr Daniel Balint)

Digital Image Correlation

We have developed our own in-house digital image correlation software for analysis of strain across a range of length scales. This affords us flexibility in utilisation of a wide range of input image streams and precise control of the post-processing algorithms. These have been written within matlab.

Laue Diffraction

We perform Laue X-ray micro-diffraction experiments using unusual geometries (often using in-situ deformation). This has required us to generate a range of analysis tools to enable interpretation and calibration. We also have experience with the wonderful LaueGo tools developed at beamline 34-ID-E.

Software Development

We largely prototype software in Matlab, as this provides a range of easy to use libraries and numerical algorithms. When required members of the group also code in Python, Pascal, C#, C++, Visual Basic, and Fortran languages.