With a view towards supporting an equitable working environment, students and staff will either be support by their own scholarship funding or funding from active research projects. At present, there is limited funding for project work, so these opportunities are included to frame current research interests and to support discussions for future work (e.g. via applying for a graduate scholarship from NSERC, or internal awards).
Post Doctoral Fellowships
UBC hosts the Killam Post Doctoral Fellowship and the Banting Fellowships.
There are also the NSERC post doctoral fellowships.
Graduate Programs
PhD and Masters students will typically be enrolled on the Materials Engineering (MTRL) graduate program. You should get in contact with Ben prior to applying via the formal UBC application process.
PhD Studentships
Typically this will be a 4-5 year program, and students will likely have already obtained a Master's (or equivalent) qualification in Engineering or Physics.
Masters in Applied Science and Science
Typically this will be a 2 year program, and students will likely already have obtained a Bachelor's degree in Materials Engineering or a related discipline (e.g. manufacturing, chemical or mechanical engineering, or physics.)
Undergraduate Research
International students may be eligible for the International Work-Learn program: