External Resources

Here is an archive of some useful resources.


Publication charges and subscription analysis: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/reports/apcs-and-subscriptions

Surviving and thriving in academia: http://www.raulpacheco.org/resources/surviving-and-thriving-in-academia/

On the importance of the unknown (aka stupidity) in research - http://jcs.biologists.org/content/121/11/1771.short

On picking a graduate advisor / supervisor - http://www.cell.com/neuron/abstract/S0896-6273(13)00907-0

Ben's two blog posts on grant writing #1 = the art of writing; #2 = from the perspective of a reviewer


The Matilda Effect in science: Awards and prizes in the US, 1990s and 2000s

Where Are the Women? The Underrepresentation of Women Physicians Among Recognition Award Recipients From Medical Specialty Societies

Stop asking "what about the men?" - a discussion (gender focused) on why increasing representation of underrepresented groups does not devalue established groups & activities

Ben's blog post on Diversity in Science & Engineering

A recording of Ben giving a talk on "No Sexuality Please, We're Scientists" at Imperial College London in 2019.

Writing - Papers, Theses etc.

The ExpMicroMech manuscript checklist

Five common writing mistakes new scientists make

How to write a manuscript for a journal

Ben's blog post on finding your academic voice for thesis writing

The Art of Writing Science

The Science of Scientific Writing by Gopen and Swan

In praise of technique: Judy Swan at TEDxCMU

Elsevier - Publishing Campus

The Wellcome Trust - Science Writing Series

American Journal Experts - 12 Tips for Accelerating Manuscript Publication

'Best' Publication Strategies - Best Publication Strategy in Science

Scientific phrase book

Peer review - nuts and bolts

Peer review: Closer inspection

Top tips on how to get published and write well - from the Guardian

Writing papers (by IOP)

How people consume academic work (and other data sets - from http://101innovations.wordpress.com/)

30 tips on academic writing

Structuring and writing academic papers

Some neat tricks & comments on common writing mistakes http://matt.might.net/articles/shell-scripts-for-passive-voice-weasel-words-duplicates/

Information on publication metrics - their value & costs - http://www.eigenfactor.org/index.php

How academics survive the writing grind: some anecdotal advice

Writing cover letters

Edit checks before you publish

Writing in LaTeX or Word - which is more productive?


Ideas on constructing a great presentation - Ten simple rules for short and swift presentations

Representing Data

Why Should Engineers and Scientists Be Worried About Color? by Rogowitz and Treinish

Tips on effective use of tables and figures in research papers by Rodriguez

Visual Display of Quantitative Information (book) by Tufte

Visual algorithms by Mike Bostock

Choosing colours for figures

Why Rainbow Colour Scales can be Misleading

Ten Simple Rules for Better Graphs

Graphical Excellence in Scientific Presentations and Papers

Matlab plot library

No more rainbows - a discussion of colourmaps

Effective poster design

Data Management

Data Management Planning

Zenodo - a CERN operated repository that can issue DOIs

NSF Data Management Policies


Extract Data from Graphs with DataThief or WebPlotDigitizer


IAEA Nuclear Glossary of Terms (PRIS)

Electricity numeracy primer

Two nuclear outreach / science communication posters: exploring nuclear and exploring dose.


http://www.continuummechanics.org/, including a description of the deformation gradient with simple decomposition descriptions towards strains and rotation


Dislocation images/videos - from the Kacher lab

Software Development

Git (software versioning) - educational site - https://education.github.com/

Git starter guide - https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2

Undocumented Matlab features - http://undocumentedmatlab.com/


Phase diagrams http://www.crct.polymtl.ca/fact/pdweb.php and NIMS


Metallics CDT YouTube Channel

Electron microscopy

Virtual SEM: http://www.ammrf.org.au/myscope/sem/practice/virtualsem/

Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)

Wikipedia article on EBSD.

Lecture notes used at Imperial College, created by Dr Ben Britton,

Strains, Planes and EBSD in Materials Science - a review article by Wilkinson and Britton.

Notes by Prof Tony Rollet of CMU - an excellent set of resources on Texture, Microstructure & Anisotropy and much more!

Bruker's Video Series - All - EDS+EBSD - TKD/T-EBSD - Pattern Simulations

Oxford Instruments EBSD website.

Matt Nowell's (TSL-EDAX) lecture notes on EBSD.

Symmetry in crystals by Muller (pdf)

International Union of Crystallpgrahy (IUCr) teaching resources

CrossCourt (commercial HR-EBSD software)

Cool 'mistakes' with dynamical diffraction

Visualisation of quaternions


Jet Engines as described by Materials Scientists (Cambridge UTC)

What is an alloy?